February 3, 2022
BPEC accredited for Fire, Emergency and Security Systems EPA
We are pleased to announce that BPEC’s End-point Assessment Organisation is now approved to deliver assessments against Fire, Emergency and Security Systems (FESS) Technician – Level 3 standard (ST0189).
Fire, Emergency and Security Systems Technicians design, install, commission, and maintain electronic systems in and outside simple and complex premises to protect individuals, homes and properties from risk and danger.
Systems include fire, security, and emergency systems to detect intrusion, provide surveillance, monitor and control access to buildings, properties and sites or to detect fire and emergencies.
Head of Operations and Development at BPEC, Matt Skelding said, “As soon as I was made aware of the opportunity to deliver against this standard, I was really excited. Not only does FESS fit neatly into the BPEC footprint, but from a personal point of view, I have a long background in working the wider security industry. BPEC is approaching its 30-year anniversary. This makes us the obvious choice, being an industry led, proven provider of specialised assessments for the Building Services Engineering (BSE) sector.”
For more information on BPEC’s FESS EPA, please contact Garry at gglover@bpec.org.uk
For generic information about the Fire, Emergency and Security Systems Technician apprenticeship, visit the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education website: https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/fire-emergency-and-security-systems-technician-v1-0
More about BPEC End-point Assessments here