July 20, 2021

BPEC’s CEO sets off on client centre visits

As part of a programme to further strengthen customer relations and assist centres in navigating the way forward as restrictions ease, Neil Collishaw, BPEC’s CEO, has announced that he is embarking on a country-wide tour of BPEC’s main delivery centres.

“We’re acutely aware of the difficulties that our clients have faced over the past year and that post-lockdown the way they work may have changed,” says Neil. “As the ‘new normal’ establishes itself, I want to ensure we understand exactly what our principal centres really need, so we can deliver the best possible customer service based on open communication, immediate response and great products.”

Over the coming weeks, Neil will visit centres based across the UK and meet with their senior management teams to understand more about their current and future needs and discuss how we can better support them.

As an industry leader specialising in qualifications, assessments, learning materials and learning materials, BPEC works closely with a UK-wide network of colleges and private training centres. As COVID has driven other providers to reduce service levels, BPEC recently revealed that it has been processing certificates in half the time of its 20-working days minimum standard service terms in the vast majority of cases.

If any centre would like a visit from a BPEC member of staff, please contact us at info@bpec.org.uk.