May 18, 2023
Celebrating 100 years of SNIPEF

Photo shows SNIPEF President, Jim Butler and the Civic Reception
BPEC was honoured to be invited to attend a Civic Reception at the Edinburgh City Chambers to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Scottish and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers’ Federation (SNIPEF), a significant milestone in its history. Attendees included SNIPEF Directors, Past Presidents, Local Association Members, SNIPEF Members, Associates, College Lecturers and previous apprentices.
Over the past century, SNIPEF has become a leading trade association representing over 750 plumbing and heating businesses across Northern Ireland and Scotland.
SNIPEF is one of BPEC’s key stakeholders, having helped set up BPEC in 1992. The two organisations have worked closely on many education and training initiatives for the benefit of the Plumbing and Heating industry, as well as collaborating on many charitable initiatives, such as promoting the SkillPLUMB skills competition.
BPEC was represented at the event by Duncan Wilson, Chairman and Neil Collishaw, CEO.
“We were delighted to be invited to share in the celebration of SNIPEF’s centenary last week and proud to continue collaborating with them as we strive to share knowledge and development in the plumbing industry,” said Neil. “This accomplishment is testament to their ongoing commitment to professional excellence and best practice.”
SNIPEF is the principal trade association representing the interests of plumbing and heating businesses based in Scotland and Northern Ireland, operates the Plumbing Industry Licensing Scheme, manages the modern apprenticeship scheme for plumbing in Scotland and delivers training in a range of areas.
It aims to ensure the highest standards across the plumbing and heating industry in Scotland and Northern Ireland and to assist its members in employing qualified, professional and highly skilled staff. SNIPEF currently has 750 member firms that employ over 3500 plumbers and in addition SNIPEF facilitates the training of 700 plumbing apprentices.
Established in 1923, SNIPEF has a key role to play in keeping members ahead of the competition and apace of change. Its high standards of professional advice and service are designed to help plumbing businesses improve and develop their business performance.