January 18, 2023

Domestic Gas Foundation Managed Learner Programme (DGF MLP)

Update from the BPEC Services team (Learning Materials and Learning Materials): Following extensive consultation, the requirements for the DGF MLP (training requirements for new entrants to the gas industry-domestic gas) has been updated by EU Skills.

The new requirements took effect on 1/9/22 and are stipulated in IGEM/IG/1 and IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 2. As a result, BPEC’s DGF MLP was re-written and the new version (complying with IGEM/IG/1) was published in August 2022. This took effect for all new registrations on or after 1/9/22. The changes do not affect learners who started on programme before that date.

Some of the main changes introduced include:

  1. Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for core competencies has been reduced to 266 hours.
  2. GLH for Boilers (CENWAT) has increased to 35 hours and now includes system wiring and heating design etc. GLH for cookers/heaters/warm air units/meters remains unchanged at 7 hours each.
  3. On-site work experience for new entrants (with no experience) has increased to 675hrs.
  4. Learners must be on programme for at least 6 months and there is now a requirement to register learners with BPEC when they start the programme.
  5. On-site evidence requirements are like the 2017 version, but 4 occasions will be required instead of 3 (3 for maintenance instead of 2). That said, the new version has more flexibility with options to do more service or more installs etc.
  6. The range of on-site evidence has been reduced. Boilers, for example, will not require a traditional boiler to be installed and all the references to different types of flues has been removed.
  7.  An equipment list has been incorporated into Supplement 2 at appendix 4. Existing centres will be expected to demonstrate their provision meets the new requirements during EQA visits.
  8. The terms assisted and unassisted are still being used but evidence requirements for assisted work have been simplified.
  9. Some of the criteria listed in section 5/5a (2017 version) has been transferred to assessments. This has reduced the content of section 5a and removed the need for off the job records.

All associated documentation, including IGEM/IG/1 and Supplement 2 can be found in the BPEC Services Resource Area.
Future changes to training requirements
EU Skills has updated IGEM/IG/1 Supplement 3 which is the training specification for Metering and ESP. This has been published for consultation (now closed) and is being reviewed considering feedback. A date has not yet been set for the implementation of the new requirements. It is expected that once supplement 3 has been completed, EU Skills will start the review process for Non-Domestic training requirements.
For more information contact services@bpec.org.uk