End-point Assessment from BPEC

We are the experts: specialist know-how in plumbing and domestic heating; gas engineering; and fire, emergency & security systems industry standards.

We provide an end-to-end solution for your EPA, including the most secure and robust assessments available – focused on your needs and helping you and your apprentices to evidence their skills. Find out more in our EPA Video here or read our End-point Assessment FAQs here

We provide a friendly hands-on EPA service that you won’t find anywhere else.

We already work with many of the UK’s leading employers, colleges and other industry partners to assess the knowledge, skills and behaviours acquired by an individual during their apprenticeship.

BPEC EPA provide employers and educators with the professional assurance that an apprentice meets the requirements of the standard and is occupationally competent.

Meeting the standards: a roadmap for success

This is all about gaining robust evidence of an apprentice’s knowledge, skills and behaviours.

An accredited certification body since 1997, awarding organisation since 2010 and included on the Register of End-point Assessment Organisations since 2017, our EPA expertise is 100% focused on:

Specialists in Apprenticeships & Certification, BPEC is a trusted independent End-point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) focused on plumbing & domestic heating, gas engineering, and fire emergency & security systems.

A complete solution

Our assessments are delivered through registered independent end-point assessors, technical experts and quality assurance personnel. This is based on the apprenticeship standard and associated assessment plan that can include:

  • One-to-one candidate interview
  • Work log review
  • Written and/or multiple choice examination
  • Competency test
  • Written project or presentation

Why use BPEC for your EPA?

What makes us different?

We specialise in providing industry-leading qualifications, assessment and learning content for plumbing, heating, gas, FESS and related areas – with an outstanding level of service.

Trusted by leading employers and colleges

Worcester Bosch, Birmingham Metropolitan College, Currys Team KnowHow and Eastleigh College use BPEC products to deliver their apprenticeship programmes. Click here for our references.

Your EPA journey with BPEC

Your roadmap to EPAs and beyond is focused, cost-effective and highly efficient, for you and your apprentices. We constantly fine-tune our processes to make this pathway a positive and rewarding experience for all stakeholders.

Beyond the EPA

For your apprentices, the EPA is another important milestone on their journey in the industry – and may immediately lead to professional registration with the appropriate bodies.

Contact Us

For all enquiries on the End-point Assessment solution contact BPEC at epa@bpec.org.uk

Call us on 01332 376000

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