Learner FAQs
Where is my nearest BPEC Approved Centre?
With over 200 BPEC centres throughout the UK we can help find one local you. Enter your postcode or town via the Find Your Nearest Centre function on our website and select the course(s) you are interested in. This will produce a list of approved colleges and centres closest to you. Please contact them directly for course dates and prices. More Information E: services@bpec.org.uk T: 01332 376000
How much do learning materials cost?
Costs for the course and assessments are set by each individual centre, not by BPEC. Enter your postcode or town via the Find Your Nearest Centre function on our website and select the course(s) you are interested in. This will produce a list of approved colleges and centres closest to you. Please contact them directly for course dates and prices. More Information E: services@bpec.org.uk T: 01332 376000