August 30, 2017

Managed Learning Programme Update 2017


ACS Managed Learning Programme Update 2017

BPEC are approved by Energy & Utility Skills to provide Managed Learning Programmes (MLP).

The Nationally Accredited Certification Scheme (ACS) is the industry recognised route to Gas Safe Registration. From 1st October 2017, Managed Learning Programmes that progress to Gas Safe Registration will change to reflect new IGEM/ 1G1 Standards of Training in Gas Work.


BPEC approved centres

Approved centres who have actively delivered our Domestic Gas Foundation Managed Learning Programme within the last 18 months have been given access to a new folder (Domestic Gas Foundation 2017) under their Centre Login. Therefore please download the new course material which will be effective from 1st October 2017.

In addition, a PowerPoint explains what changes have been made following the introduction of the above standards.

Contact us

Please contact Mally Butters If you have any questions regarding the new material:
