December 14, 2015

BPEC are offering OFTEC Solid Fuel courses

BPEC are now offering OFTEC’s Solid Fuel courses which cover dry and wet installations:

• OFT15-108(D) – Installation, commissioning and servicing of solid fuel burning appliances (dry space heating)
• OFT15-108(W) – Installation, commissioning and servicing of solid fuel burning appliances with space heating and hot water heating.

The above courses will allow you to apply to OFTEC to be a registered installer.

Stoves, open fires, and room heaters are very popular with homeowners and provide business opportunities for companies/operatives. To ensure customer safety and optimum performance, new and replacement solid fuel combustion appliances must be installed in accordance with regional building regulations and manufacturers installation instructions.

If you require any further information regarding the courses or if you wish to deliver the OFTEC Solid Fuel Courses please contact The BPEC Certification Team on 01332 376000 (Option 1).