March 6, 2017

New era begins for education and training in the UK Plumbing and Domestic Heating Industry

In view of the imminent closure of SummitSkills, the Plumbing Industry’s leading organisations APHC, BPEC and SNIPEF have worked together to establish the ‘Plumbing and Heating Skills Partnership’ (PHSP).

This new Skills Partnership will have a UK focus and be led by employers from the plumbing and heating industry; and will take over responsibility for the skills needs of the industry as from 01 April 2017. The PHSP will work closely with other industry and government organisations that have a keen interest in skills to help meet the needs of our industry.

Andrew Beaumont, Chairman of the APHC said: “We are very much looking forward to the Plumbing and Heating Industry taking full responsibility for meeting the education and training needs of those who work in the industry”.

George Thomson, Chairman of BPEC reiterated this by further saying: “We see the new Skills Partnership as a unique opportunity for employers to be at the very heart of identifying and meeting the skills needs in a complex and rapidly changing world”.

And Brian Warrender, President of SNIPEF, concluded by saying: “We believe the PHSP represents an exciting new era for the Plumbing and Heating Industry and we are very much looking forward to the challenges ahead”.

The APHC, BPEC and SNIPEF on behalf of the plumbing industry would like to thank the staff at SummitSkills for leading on the development of the BSE sectors standards, qualifications and apprenticeships over many years.

More information on the ‘Plumbing and Heating Skills Partnership’ will be available soon, in the meantime please contact any of the following if you would like further details:

APHC, John Thompson

BPEC, Paul Johnson

SNIPEF, Duncan Wilson