We are pleased to confirm that we have extended our scope on the Register of End-point Assessment Organisations to include the provision of the Level 3 Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician Apprenticeship End-point assessment.
BPEC End-point Assessment Organisation now have approval for:
- Dual Fuel Smart Meter Installer (level 2)
- Gas Engineering Operative (level 3)
- Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician (level 3)
Upon the successful completion of the Level 3 PDHT apprenticeship, the candidate will have satisfied the requirements for registration as EngTech by the Engineering Council through The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) and/or The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE).
On completion of the health and safety assessment, the candidate will have satisfied the requirements to obtain a Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Card through the Joint Industry Board (JIB-PMES).
As well as offering the End-point assessment, BPEC have developed the mandatory qualification included in the apprenticeship – BPEC Level 3 Diploma in Pluming & Domestic Heating – and in addition we have invested significant resource into developing outstanding teaching and learning supporting materials that are specific to the apprenticeship content. We have produced a short video with Mike Maskrey, our Technical Development Manager, explaining more – you can view the video here on our YouTube channel. We have also produced a detailed list of the supporting resources available which can be seen here.
BPEC CEO, Neil Collishaw said “It is fantastic news that we are now approved to deliver this End-point assessment. We are a specialised provider of qualifications, assessments and learning materials and we continually re-invest back into the plumbing and heating industry through our charitable activity. These are two reasons that make BPEC a unique organisation, setting us apart from other End-point Assessment providers”.
If you are interested in working as an independent end-point assessor in plumbing or gas, please send an expression of interest and your CV to: aoadmin@bpec.org.uk.