This asbestos video has been designed to help save your life.
BPEC worked very closely with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to develop an asbestos awareness training resource.
The information contained within this training resource is linked to the particular QCF units that contain asbestos, so this can also be used for classroom delivery when delivering the Health and Safety unit of the new plumbing qualification.
Asbestos kills 4,500 people each year in the UK alone (4 plumbers die every week) and it is on the increase. The video is designed to help save lives by raising awareness of the risks and the legislation related to Asbestos.
· Interactive games
· Where you might find asbestos
· Using the right personal protective equipment (PPE)
· Disposing of asbestos waste
· A range of other useful resources
The video is not supported on some mobile devices. Please view a screencast on YouTube here.
Mally Butters of BPEC said “BPEC wanted to introduce something different which captured the important information regarding working with asbestos and which could save your life while not distracting from the need for full asbestos training. We felt the use of animation would significantly help understanding.”
There is a need for you to protect yourself now to prevent you contracting an asbestos-related disease in the future. It is a legal requirement that you receive training if you are likely to disturb asbestos.