July 8, 2020

Become a BPEC Governing Board Member

BPEC Certification Ltd. (BPEC) are currently looking for new members to join our Governing Board (GB). The GB plays an important role within BPEC to ensure all activities are carried out with integrity, impartiality and competently at all levels. The GB is responsible for ensuring robust standards are being maintained in the interest of learners, candidates, centres, regulators and other stakeholders.

Members of the GB must be able to demonstrate a good understanding of education and assessment practices and be committed to quality. Members serve for a period of 3 years, with the option of renewal for a further term.

Appointments are non-remunerated although reasonable travel and subsistence for attendance at meetings will be paid.  Attendance is required at two full Governing Board meetings per year held at BPEC’s Head Office in Derby, although remote attendance could be considered.

BPEC is a sector specialist Awarding & End-point Assessment Organisation and Certification Body, working within the footprint of Plumbing & Heating, Gas and Building Services.  

We would particularly welcome applications from those who bring experience and expertise from within any of the following areas:

  • Large employers within the BPEC footprint
  • Further or Higher Education
  • Regulatory and compliance expertise in an educational setting
  • Magistrate/local government representative or employee
  • Apprenticeship experts

Main Responsibilities:

  • Monitor the performance of the quality assurance teams to ensure adequate measures are in place to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Verify development, delivery and certification activities are carried out effectively and competently with integrity and impartiality
  • Ensure BPEC Certification maintains a workforce of adequate size to effectively deliver products and services, recording instances where this is not the case
  • Ensure risks are adequately identified and managed through the interrogation of business area risk logs
  • Evaluate the processes and outcomes of investigations, verifying decisions and sanctions where necessary
  • Verify decisions in instances where Centre approval has been rejected
  • Confirm complaints and appeals have been carried out in line with policies and that findings and outcomes reflect the evidence findings.

Governing Board Member Person Specification:

  • Available upon request

Governing Board Members are also required to meet the following criteria:

  • They have no family ties or other close relationships within the organisation
  • They hold no directorships/relationships with other organisations that could be deemed to constitute a significant conflict of interest
  • They have no material business relationship with the organisation
  • They are not disqualified from serving as a Company Director/Trustee, for whatever reason, and have never been removed from the trusteeship of a charity
  • They are not the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order.

Closing date 31st July 2020.  To apply, please forward your CV and covering letter, explaining why you would be a suitable candidate, to:

Matt Skelding – Head of Operations & Development
