Assured Approval FAQs
What is BPEC Assured?
BPEC Assured is a recognition and verification service ensuring that industry-related training courses meet specific requirements for quality and reliability. BPEC Assured Approval is for employers, training providers and organisations who want to raise the standards of their own training activities. An internal training course which is not regulated and would like it to be more prominent.
BPEC Assured course design
The course and content are designed and owned entirely by the employer, training provider or organisation delivering the product.
What is a BPEC Assured Approval?
The Assured Approval process is designed to verify that the training course and assessments fulfil BPEC’s standards, ensuring high-quality learning experiences and credible assessments.
For the product to qualify for BPEC Assured, the training course must meet the following criteria:
- Effective Induction Process: Covering scope, outcomes and limitation of course.
- Clear Learning Outcomes: Defined and measurable learning objectives.
- Verifiable Assessment Methodologies: Reliable and valid methods to assess learners’ knowledge and skills.
- Controlled Assessment Conditions: Standardised conditions for conducting assessments.
- Unambiguous Grading Structure: Clear criteria for grading and progression (where applicable).
- Internally Verified Assessment Decisions: Internal checks and monitoring to ensure consistency and accuracy of assessment decisions.
- Appropriate Teaching and Learning Time: Adequate duration to cover learning outcomes effectively.
- Thorough and Accurate Training Material: Comprehensive and accurate instructional content.
- Appropriate Delivery Model: Suitable methods for delivering the course content.
- Minimum Attendance Requirements: Specified attendance levels to ensure adequate participation.
- *Robust Quality Management System: Appropriate up to date policies and procedures to effectively manage the Assured provision covering as a minimum,
- Quality Assurance Arrangements.
- Complaints and Appeals.
- Malpractice and Maladministration.
*Other company policies, procedures and processes fall outside the scope of BPEC Assured products.
What does it mean to Assure a course?
An Assured Course is a course which BPEC has assessed and assured as a suitable and beneficial learning programme, meeting BPEC’s standards, ensuring high-quality learning experiences and credible assessments.
What’s the difference between BPEC Assured and Endorsed?
BPEC Assured includes additional quality assurance arrangements.
Does the Assured course cover the requirements for competent persons schemes?
No, an Assured Course is not suitable for entry onto a Competent Persons Scheme.
Can an organisation have more than one Assured course?
Yes, each course will be required to complete a BPEC Assured application form and go through the BPEC review and validation process.
What is a BPEC Assured Certificate?
BPEC Assured products are subject to internal and external quality assurance. Upon successful completion of the course and quality assurance checks a BPEC Assured certificate is awarded.
How long will it take for me to receive my certificate?
BPEC issue Assured certificates directly to the organisation who delivered the course. If you have any question or queries in relation to your certificate, you should always contact the organisation who delivered the course.
I have received my Assured certificate and there is an error.
If you receive your certificate and there is an error (e.g. name spelt incorrectly) please contact the organisation you took your Assured course with.
Who can apply for Assured Course Approval?
Any organisation that has an unregulated course can request for their course to be reviewed and validated for Assured Approval.
Why choose a BPEC Assured Course?
BPEC Assured is a recognition and verification service ensuring that industry-related training courses meet specific requirements for quality and reliability. Assured approved training courses and assessments fulfil BPEC’s standards, ensuring high-quality learning experiences and credible assessments.
How does an organisation gain BPEC Assured Approval?
To become a BPEC Assured Course provider please complete the Assured Application Form and return to:
How do I know if a course is Assured by BPEC?
The organisation that has an Assured Approval for their training activities receives formal notification of BPEC approval and can use the BPEC Assured Logo on their advertising.
Assured BPEC logo
BPEC can grant approved organisations a limited right to use its Assured logos. BPEC does not permit use of any BPEC logos to certificate holders.