OFTEC Scheme Rules

Scheme rules for the Oil Firing Technicians (OFTEC) Certification Scheme

1. Introduction

This document contains the Scheme Rules applied by BPEC Certification Ltd in the operation of the UK oil industry’s ‘Oil Fired Technicians’ accredited assessment scheme. A definition of the terms used throughout this document is given in appendix 1. The document contains details about how to obtain Certification by undergoing Assessment at an Assessment Centre approved by BPEC Certification Ltd, within the scope of accreditation awarded to BPEC Certification Ltd by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

2. Scope

These Scheme Rules cover the requirements for the Certification of an individual by BPEC Certification Ltd. These Scheme Rules apply only to Assessment and Certification and not to any training which may have been undertaken prior to the Assessment.

The Scheme will assess an individual’s competence to carry out oil work safely. The Scheme is not intended to assess an individual’s competence in other areas of work, which are often undertaken within the complete range of work activity. Employers, employees and the self-employed should recognise the responsibilities and duties they have under all legislation that encompasses their range of work.

3. Policy Statements

It is the policy of BPEC Certification Ltd that impartial Assessment shall be open to any and all individuals meeting the Scheme entry requirements regardless of race, colour, creed, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, religion, sexuality, political belief, ability or age. Preparatory training is not a pre-requisite for assessment.

Individuals are invited to indicate any special needs that they wish to be taken into consideration at the time of application. Each declared situation will be considered on an individual basis. BPEC Certification Ltd to take all reasonable steps to offer methods of Assessment that provide for the needs of individuals with learning and physical difficulties.

4. Scheme Criteria

The criteria that define Assessments are produced by OFTEC.

Candidates applying for the first time under this scheme will undertake an initial assessment, however, those candidates who are renewing their assessments under this scheme, may be eligible to take a re-assessment.

For advice regarding the appropriate modules required to cover the work activities of an individual, contact should be made with the local Assessment Centre, details of which can be found by calling 01332 376000 or visiting our website at www.bpec.org.uk

5. Application

All formal applications shall be made on the Application and Result form – Part 1 provided, which must be complete in all its details before Certification can be processed. The application process requires the following information:

  • Candidate name and address
  • Candidate National Insurance number
  • 2 recent passport sized photographs
  • Copies of relevant qualifications (e.g. Existing OFTEC certificates and/or Oil qualifications)
  • A declaration of the category for the individual making the application (as detailed on OFTEC R576 and Appendix 2 below)

For further guidance, Individuals should refer to Appendix 2 below to determine entry category requirements and/or contact their local Assessment Centre for advice if they are unsure of their category, or the requirements relating to it.

Individuals should contact their local Assessment Centre for advice if they are unsure of their category, or the requirements relating to it.

All Individuals should declare to the Assessment Centre any situation in the past where: they have been deemed incompetent in matters of gas safety; they have had a gas competency certificate or qualification or gas registration withdrawn or they have been dismissed from employment on the grounds of gas safety incompetence. A failure to declare any such issues may invalidate any Certification awarded. All individuals will agree to maintain confidentiality of all assessment examination materials and will not participate in any fraudulent test-taking activities.

6. Assessment

The Scheme comprises a number of oil related Assessments, designed to test the competence of an individual in accordance with Assessment Criteria.

The Assessment(s) require and individual to complete practical and/or written assessments dependent on the modules selected. Where necessary, individuals may be asked oral questions posed by an Assessor. Individuals must comply with instructions given to them at the Assessment Centre regarding conduct and safety and must abide by any documented requirements, including the following:

  • General conduct
  • Provision of tools and equipment necessary to undertake any required practical Assessment. In the event that an individual provides his/her own tools or equipment, these will be subject to approval by the Assessor before use
  • Provision of protective clothing and safety equipment necessary for the Assessments attempted. In the event that an individual provides their own protective clothing and safety equipment, these will be subject to approval by the Assessor before use
  • Provision of necessary reference documentation, and industry or legislative source publications and other material for use in the Assessments. In the event that an individual provides his/her own material, then these will be subject to approval by the Assessor before use
  • Provision by the Assessment Centre of full instructions to enable the completion of both written and practical Assessments
  • In the event that an individual does not satisfy the full range of performance and knowledge criteria required by an Assessment, a partial re-assessment may be allowed, covering only those elements or tasks where Assessment was incomplete
  • Assessment Centres shall advise such individuals as to the areas where re-assessment may be necessary.

7. Certification

The Assessment Centre will indicate to individuals the provisional outcome of their Assessment within 10 working days of the completion of their assessment. This result will still be subject to verification, following which records will be transmitted to BPEC Certification Ltd. Assessment Centres may only recommend Certification; the final decision rests with BPEC Certification Ltd.

BPEC Certification Ltd. will endeavour to provide successful Individuals with Certification within 20 working days of receipt of correctly completed paperwork from the Assessment Centre.

Certificates of competence issued contain the following details: the scope of the Certification; the Individuals full name; certificate number; national insurance number; date of birth; a description of each assessment; the expiry date of the certification; the certificate holder’s signature; and a clear warning statement that the certificate is only valid when presented on original paper. Photocopied certificates are not evidence of competence and should not be accepted as such. The certificate remains at all times the property of BPEC Certification Ltd.

Replacement or duplicate certificates can be obtained from BPEC Certification Ltd. A fee, paid in advance and in line with current Certification fees will be charged by BPEC Certification Ltd. in the event of any such request.

Unless BPEC Certification Ltd. has a specific formal arrangement with an employer or any other third party, certificates will be issued directly to the individual assessed. Where employer agreements exist, they will specifically require that original certificates must be issued to the certificated Individual.

8. Suspension or Withdrawal of Certification

BPEC Certification Ltd reserves the right to suspend or withdraw Certification upon evidence of a breach of the Scheme Rules, misuse of the BPEC Certification Ltd mark or logo or failure to pay the agreed fees (also see section 14). BPEC Certification Ltd may prescribe corrective actions to remedy the breach with a reasonable time limit for implementation, normally one month. If, after the time limit expires, implementation of corrective actions has not been completed, instigation of withdrawal procedures will commence.

Upon receiving written notification of the withdrawal of Certification, the individual shall forth immediately: return to BPEC Certification Ltd appropriate certificates; cease carrying out work within the scope of certification that has been withdrawn; cease use and distribution of any stationary, advertising or literature bearing the BPEC Certification Ltd logo; and follow any other instructions included in the written notification.

Withdrawal of an individual’s Certificate(s) will be publicised in suitable industry publications and details of the withdrawal will be submitted to OFTEC. Individuals have the right of appeal to BPEC Certification Ltd as described in clause 10 below.

9. Complaints

Individuals may make a complaint concerning the operation of this scheme to the Assessment Centre attended or to BPEC Certification Ltd. Complaints will be investigated, reported, resolved and the results of any investigation will be communicated in writing to the individual.

Complaint procedures shall be in place at each Assessment Centre and BPEC Certification Ltd and shall be made available to any individual on request. The individual has the right of appeal against any decision reached by BPEC Certification Ltd (see clause 10 below).

10. Appeals

Individuals have the right of appeal against any of the following: the results of a complaint investigation; a decision not to issue a certificate; or a decision to withdraw a certificate.

Individuals have the right to be represented at an appeal hearing but must inform BPEC Certification Ltd in writing of this intention. Representation may be by a legal, trade union or any other body or colleague.

The initial appeal must be made within 15 days of notification of a decision. BPEC Certification Ltd will thoroughly investigate any appeal and make a decision on the appeal within a reasonable time period (usually 30 working days) and submit the findings of the investigation to the appellant. If the appellant wishes to appeal against this decision, they must notify BPEC Certification Ltd within 7 days of notification of the decision. An independent Appeals Committee will then be convened, and its constitution will be communicated to the individual. The individual has the right to object to the constitution. In such cases an alternative panel will be proposed by BPEC Certification Ltd. Following evaluation of the appeal the decision will be formally notified to the individual. The total cost of appeals by an individual shall be borne by them where the appeal, at any stage, is not upheld by BPEC Certification Ltd under these Scheme Rules.

11. General Conditions

Certification is subject to the Scheme Rules. BPEC Certification Ltd reserves the right to carry out verification as deemed necessary to confirm continuing satisfactory performance, or act upon evidence received concerning lack of competence. Certification does not discharge or lessen an individual’s responsibilities, statutory or otherwise.

BPEC Certification Ltd will not be responsible for any losses or alleged losses incurred by any individual, company, or organisation where scheme rules are not met.

12. Publicity

The use of BPEC Certification Ltd, OFTEC or UKAS marks or logos is not permitted unless a formal agreement is given by the organisation concerned. The scope of an individual’s certification must be available to all members of the public. Information about an individual’s Certification may be given either by BPEC Certification Ltd or by OFTEC and shall be limited to facts concerning the scope of certification.

13. Confidentiality

BPEC Certification Ltd shall hold an individual’s details in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and shall use the data only for the purposes as indicated on the application and result form.

All official parties to the Scheme (comprising of BPEC Certification Ltd, their approved Assessment Centres and OFTEC) shall ensure that they and all their staff shall keep in full confidence all information of a private and confidential nature. At no time shall such information be disclosed to any third party except as permitted within these Scheme rules to enable the official parties to carry out their duties and obligations.

It is a requirement of the scheme that OFTEC be provided with candidate information and assessment result so that the registration of the candidate can be updated to ensure continuous registration or advice can be given on registration options on initial or extension to scope certification.

14. Fee Structure

Fees for the Assessments carried out at the centre of your choice and BPEC’s Certification fees will be levied by the Assessment Centre and must be paid in full. Non-payment to the centre may result in an individual’s assessments results being held at the centre.

The cost of any complaint investigations or appeals by an individual shall be borne by the individual where the complaint or appeal is not upheld by BPEC Certification Ltd under these Scheme Rules.

15. Contact Details

BPEC Certification Ltd
1-2 Mallard Way
DE24 8GX
01332 376000
Email: cbadmin@bpec.org.uk
Website: www.bpec.org.uk
Unit 25
Riduna Park
Station Road
IP12 1QT
01473 626298
Website: www.oftec.org.uk
2 Pine Trees
Chertsey Lane
TW18 3HR
01784 429000
Email: info@ukas.com
Website: www.ukas.com

Thank you for choosing BPEC Certification Ltd and your BPEC Certification Ltd. approved Assessment Centre. We are committed to providing a fair and impartial assessment. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact BPEC Certification Ltd or your Assessment Centre.

Appendix 1


  • Assessment The activity that an Individual must complete to demonstrate competence (see section 6 for details)
  • Assessment Centre A location approved by BPEC Certification Ltd where assessment can be undertaken
  • Assessor A person approved and registered by BPEC Certification Ltd who is qualified to supervise Assessments
  • Certification The issuing of a certificate of competence following a successful Assessment
  • OFTEC The Oil Firing Technical Association for the Petroleum Industry
  • Individual A person applying for Assessment/Certification or undergoing Assessment or in receipt of a certificate(s) of competence
  • BPEC Certification Ltd BPEC Certification Ltd, accredited by UKAS for operating the Scheme described herein
  • Scheme The Oil Firing Technicians (OFTEC) Certification Scheme
  • Scheme Rules This document
  • UKAS The United Kingdom Accreditation Service, the organisation recognised by the UK Government as the national body for accrediting certification bodies such as BPEC Certification Ltd.

Appendix 2

Category 1

Applicants in this category are regarded as experienced oil technicians and are required to hold OFT accredited certificate(s) for the assessment(s) they wish to undertake; they will need to provide an original certificate as evidence to the Assessment Centre prior to taking OFTEC assessments.

  • Candidates holding OFT10-101 and/or OFT10-102 may take OFT10-105E and/or OFT10-600a assessment without training (and are therefore Category 1)
  • Candidates holding OFT10-101 may take OFT10-201 without training (and are therefore Category 1)
  • Candidates holding OFT10-105E must undertake training before taking OFT10-101 and/or OFT10-102 (and are therefore Category 2)
  • Candidates holding OFT10-105E, and/or OFT10-102(D/W), must undertake training before taking OFT10-201 (and are therefore Category 2)
  • Candidates holding OFT10-600a only are Category 3 for all other qualifications, unless they meet the pre-requisites for Category 2 status as listed below.

Note: A candidate who holds OFT10-102D, and then wishes to take OFT10-102W, would only have to sit Theory Paper 6 in order to achieve this, on condition that the candidate had achieved the first qualification no more than 3 months before the add-on is taken.

Category 2

Applicants in this category are regarded as holding a nationally recognised qualification in a trade associated with oil work, candidates must provide relevant qualifications to support entry (see qualification tables at the end of this document),


Must provide written evidence to the AC confirming that they have undertaken ‘on the job’ Oil installation and/or maintenance training that would support their application for the range of assessments to be undertaken. That evidence shall be in writing from the employer detailing precisely the type, range and volume of work carried out.


Have relevant skills and experience gained from working in a related trade such as Plumbing / Heating / Ventilation / Refrigeration / Air-Conditioning / Gas Fitting or servicing.

Applicants must provide evidence of this related experience to the AC. The evidence must consist of, as a minimum, the following:

  • Name and address of the business(s) providing the related experience.
  • The types of related work undertaken.

All Category 2 candidates must also undertake training at an OFTEC approved training centre.

The training must consist of training utilising the current OFTEC Technical Books appropriate to the type of work and equipment that the candidate requires to be assessed against. The possession of these OFTEC Technical Books prior to training and subsequent assessment is mandatory.

Category 3

Applicants in this category are regarded as new to the oil industry, and do not hold any national qualifications in a related field nor have any related work experience. Application conditions for this category require that the Category 3 applicant must:

  • Obtain experience with an OFTEC registered business which is willing to provide an auditable extended oil training programme incorporating both On and Off the Job components with organisational support prior to the applicant taking OFTEC assessment. Evidence of the contents of the programme detailing the Off the Job training and On the Job experience must be presented to the AC as above.


Undertake a training programme (OFT50) at an OFTEC approved training centre, which is planned, managed and organised by the training centre.