June 4, 2014

BPEC update Domestic Ventilation manual and assessments

ventilation manBPEC have recently updated their Domestic Ventilation manual and assessments following consultation with a group of the major UK ventilation manufacturers; all members of BEAMA or the RVA, who work closely together as a joint training group to monitor and review the effectiveness of the BPEC Ventilation Training Manual and assessments. This move also reflects the Zero Carbon Hub evidence review report March 2014 which highlighted where performance gaps occur within the current house-building process; in particular, ventilation installation quality.

This consultation has resulted in a revised assessment of 50 questions; now Closed Book with an 85% pass mark; again this has changed following extensive consultation.

BPEC will be implementing the new assessments from 26th June 2014.

Centres will be able to continue to use any existing manuals they may still have.