March 10, 2021

BPEC’s textbooks for the Level 3 Diploma in Plumbing and Domestic Heating – series now complete!

Our Level 3 Plumbing and Domestic Heating Qualification Textbook Phase 3 is now available which means the BPEC series of plumbing and domestic heating books is now complete!

BPEC’s textbooks for the Level 3 Diploma in Plumbing and Domestic Heating take a different approach than any other textbook available. BPEC have decided to have a dedicated book for each of the Phases (Phase 1, 2 and 3) to tailor the content specifically for that phase. This, we feel, is the right approach to take both from the learner AND the lecturer point of view. By using the BPEC method, once the book has been completed, then the learner will know that they have ALL of the information to enable them to attempt the Phase Multiple Choice Test with complete confidence.

The BPEC textbooks ONLY COVER THE INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR THAT PHASE. Nothing else. In this way, learning can be targeted and focussed. The learner and the tutor can be confident that EVERY Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria for EVERY unit of that phase has been covered in detail. It’s learning made easy!

Every textbook has current, up-to-date information, clear drawings, relevant photographs and well written, easily understood text, written by experts in their field. It’s just one of the ways that BPEC remain at the forefront of Plumbing, Gas and Renewable Technologies training and assessment. So, the next time you are looking for a Plumbing textbook, remember BPEC, because at BPEC… we’ve got your back!

The books are available as a series or individually – find out more at our online shop