September 10, 2024
Matt Skelding visits Smart Gas Training & Assessment

This week, BPEC’s Head of Operations & Development, Matt Skelding visited BPEC Centre, Smart Gas Training & Assessment, a company he first connected with in early 2017.
At that first meeting he had met with Directors Patrick O’Sullivan and John Grocott, exploring various topics including apprenticeships, the emerging ‘trailblazer’ standards, and funding opportunities for skills development. That initial visit was pivotal in helping Matt understand Smart Gas’ potential to make a significant impact in the plumbing, gas, and renewables sectors through their dedication to high-quality training.
Matt said, “It’s remarkable to see how the facility has grown organically since then. What began as a promising initiative has now evolved into a flourishing centre of excellence. Today, the facility supports 80 apprentices actively working towards their qualifications – a testament to Smart Gas’ commitment to nurturing the next generation of skilled professionals in the gas industry.”
During this week’s visit he was given a guided tour of its new unit by Adam, who explained Smart Gas’ expanded capabilities and facilities.
The visit reaffirmed the critical importance of industry-specific training and apprenticeship programs. Smart Gas Training & Assessment remains at the forefront of this effort, combining practical skills with deep knowledge. Their ongoing success highlights the vital role apprenticeships play in building the skilled workforce of the future.
“While I was very impressed by the growth, it was also great to reconnect with familiar faces like Tom, Alastair, Alex, and Callum, who continue to contribute to the centre’s ongoing success,” stated Matt. “I look forward to seeing Smart Gas continue to grow as they shape the future of our industry through innovation, expertise, and a commitment to excellence in training.”