December 12, 2018

Neil Collishaw takes over from Paul Johnson as BPEC CEO

We would like to bid a very fond farewell to our CEO Paul Johnson who is retiring at the end of 2018. Paul has been with BPEC for over 22 years and has led BPEC to become a leading provider of qualifications, assessments and learning materials in the Plumbing and Heating Industry in the UK.

Paul’s successor will be Neil Collishaw, who has been with BPEC for over four years, and brings with him a wealth of experience within the industry, education and training.

Commenting on his appointment, Neil said: “I have over 30 years’ experience within the building services engineering (BSE) sector. I started as an apprentice, which soon led to running a successful plumbing and heating business. I have held senior roles in Further Education, managing a large building services department, and also worked for SummitSkills, a sector skills council for the BSE sector.  I joined the BPEC team in 2014 and have held several roles within the senior management team. This has involved me taking the lead on several key business areas and working closely with the Chief Executive and board of directors. I was appointed Deputy Chief Executive in September and look forward to taking over from Paul as Chief Executive in the New Year”.

Paul commented: “after more than 22 years with BPEC I will be stepping down as Chief Executive this month and I’m pleased that Neil Collishaw will be taking on the role from January 2019.  Neil has been with BPEC for four years and has extensive experience of education and training within the Building Service Engineering sector which he brings to this vitally important role.  I wish Neil and all the staff at BPEC every success for the future”

Neil can be seen photographed second from the left with, from left to right, BPEC Director Mark Antrobus, BPEC Chairman George Thomson and BPEC Director Duncan Wilson.

George Thomson, BPEC Chairman added: “I am pleased Neil is taking on the position as BPEC’s next Chief Executive as I know Neil is the best person to take on the role. BPEC are fortunate to have someone of Neil’s calibre at the helm, and the Directors wish him all the best as he enters this exciting stage of his career”

The BPEC Directors and staff would like to wish Paul a very happy retirement, and we all look forward to Neil leading BPEC’s growth and development throughout the years to come.