August 2, 2021

BPEC halves certification and qualification release times

We’re absolutely delighted to announce that throughout the pandemic we have met and, in many cases, improved our standards of service, and are currently delivering qualifications and certifications in HALF THE TIME of our 20-working days minimum standard service terms!

This amazing achievement is testament to the commitment and tenacity of our technical teams during these challenging times. At the same time, BPEC’s development team has been delivering new qualifications and products, plus successfully gone through the UKAS re-approval process. 

BPEC is an industry leading specialised provider of qualifications, assessments, learning materials and learning materials for the plumbing, heating, gas and wider energy sectors. Our wide range of quality products and services is highly valued by our customers and the industry.

We’re thrilled to have been able to continue to deliver a high level of service and expertise to our network of approved training centres and colleges over the past 18 months.

If you want to partner with the best, contact us via email at or call 01332 376000.