July 1, 2014
Hopefully all baggage will be there
Sunday 13th April
The journey begins.
Apprehensive as earthquakes have been happening but just done the hardest thing and said goodbye to Bridget.
Next stop Heathrow and a well-deserved pint with George.
Monday 14th April
Up early, 4.45am for flight at 8.30am. George and I very keen to get going, both OCD.
Taxi late, not good start, now got bus to terminal.
Met Richard and sorted out all luggages. Anyone would think we are going for 6 months.
On plane, plenty of space. Seats not able to spread out and hopefully get some sleep ready for the long journey ahead.
Just heard all residents in capital been told to sleep outside due to earthquakes – should be interesting.
On plane now, 9.20am long 7 and a half flight to Toronto, Canada.
Well nearly been travelling 24 hours, on last flight to Managua, totally shattered. George not looking too good but Richard still going strong.
Hopefully all baggage will be there when we land – not seen it since Heathrow.
George and me looking forward to some sleep, but only problem is we are having to sleep outside due to the earthquakes – another big one only this morning!
To view all images from this trip please click here