December 2, 2014

Updating of BPEC Risk Assessment and Disinfection of Water Systems

BPEC are now in a position to offer a new updated version of their Risk assessment and Disinfection course in line with the recent regulation changes which have taken place.

The updated version is now combined into one manual and has been retitled Legionella Risk Assessment and Water Disinfection for Mechanical Services.  

The two courses will be amalgamated into one course requiring only one manual at a cost of £55. A defined scope option will be available for those centres wishing to retain the option of offering only the Risk Assessment element only.

The course is designed to meet the training requirements of the “Approved Code of Practice (ACOP):Legionnaires’ disease: The control of Legionella bacteria in water systems”, and the technical guidance HSG274 Part 2: The control of legionella in hot and cold water systems (HSG274).

The cleaning and disinfection of any water system is work that should be carried out by competent mechanical services engineers. Guidance relating to the cleaning and disinfection of hot and cold water systems is covered under sections 2.126 – 2.132 of the HSG274 however, this is not system specific therefore it is vital that the system is properly assessed by the individual mechanical services engineer who must make a decision on his/her own capabilities to carry out the work. Finally, the course will look at what should be considered when carrying out a Legionella risk assessment of hot and cold water systems in non-healthcare facilities such as industrial, commercial and residential premises.

BPEC are running a CPD event at their offices in Derby for tutors who hold existing Risk assessment and disinfection certificates or equivalent. Existing centres wishing to offer the new updated version will need to attend on the 25th February 2015.

The CPD event will include a new updated manual and presentation of the changes, this will be at a cost of £199 per delegate.
Delegates wishing to attend please email or call 0845 6446558 to request a booking form.

Please note from the 1st May 2015 BPEC will be withdrawing their existing Risk assessment and Disinfection courses as they will no longer be appropriate.