SkillPLUMB is open to apprentices and Level 2 or 3 plumbing students (year two or above students are ideal). Here’s an overview of what happens at each stage of the competition:
1 – Pre-Competition
The first step is to think about which learners or apprentices have the most potential – you can use our Talent Spotting Checklist to look at what a competitor needs to succeed, and carry out our in-house Pre-Competition Training Activity to test who has what it takes – both of these can be found in our Resources section.
2- Registration
Registration each year takes place via WorldSkills UK – this year the registration period will be 03 – 28 March 2025.
3- Entry Stage
All registered competitors are sent details of the entry stage. It is a practical task that needs to be completed at a college or training provider venue in a controlled environment.
Tutors should assess the task and candidates should not be able to see the task until the day of assessment.
The entry stage task scores and evidence must be completed and returned for moderation by SkillPLUMB and WorldSkills UK.
Please note: the maximum number of competitors that could progress from the entry stage to the qualifying heats from one (local) organisation is three.
4 – National Qualifier Stage: May – June
The successful competitors from the entry stage will be invited to participate at one of the UK-wide qualifying heats.
Our Events page lists the qualifying heats that will take place this year.
The competitors who take part in a qualifying heat can prepare by carrying out the Qualifying Heat Training Activity on our Resources page.
5 – UK Final: November 2024, South Wales
In July, WorldSkills UK will announce the competitors who scored most highly across all UK heats combined and will compete in the SkillPLUMB UK Final, taking place w/c 25 November in South Wales. Alongside SkillPLUMB, around 50 other WorldSkills UK national competition finals will be held that month across venues across Wales.