Author Archives: Marcus Tissington

BPEC Fire Emergency and Security Systems (FESS) Sector – The UK’s First Successful Experienced Worker Assessment

BPEC is proud to announce the first experienced worker in the UK has successfully completed the FESS Experienced Worker Assessment (EWA). Sam Manton who works for Spire Security Ltd., a London based company, attended Banham Academy’s Assessment Centre in Derby, where he undertook the practical assessment, professional discussion, and knowledge assessment. Sam’s assessment took place […]

BPEC Support Gas Safety Week

Gas Safety Week: Keeping our nation safe We are proud to be supporting Gas Safety Week taking place 16th – 22nd September 2013. Gas Safety Week is an annual safety week to raise awareness of gas safety and the importance of taking care of your gas appliances. It is co-ordinated by Gas Safe Register, the […]

Gas Safe Register offers advice on the dangers of CO during the holiday period.

With millions of Britons planning to holiday in the UK this year Gas Safe Register are again urging the public to stay safe from the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from charcoal and gas barbecues, as well as potential risks from camping equipment and gas appliances in holiday accommodation. Gas Safe Register have produced […]

SkillPLUMB heats end with victorious George

The final 2013 SkillPLUMB regional heat has named 20-year old George Caddick as the South’s best young plumber, after a close-run event at Bridgwater College on 26 June. George, an apprentice with Blue Bay Plumbing and Heating and studying at Cornwall College, scored most highly out of nine competitors who went head-to-head in a plumbing […]

BPEC @ SkillPLUMB, Coleg Cambria

Funded by the Welsh Government with the support of the European Social Fund and run by a dedicated network of colleges, work-based learning providers and employer-led organisations, Skills Competition Wales are free to enter and typically run throughout March and April of each year. Competitions offer students, trainees and apprentices in Wales a chance to […]

BPEC raise £565 for Charity!

BPEC raise £565 for Derby based Charity, Safe and Sound! In April, 9 members of the BPEC team took part in the annual Derby 10K to raise money for the Safe and Sound Charity. In total, £565 was raised which is a fantastic achievement! Nathalie Walters (CEO Safe & Sound) expressed her thanks and told […]

Martyn tops Midlands SkillPLUMB heat!

The latest heat in the 2013 SkillPLUMB competition has seen 23 year-old Martyn Lee named the Midlands’ best young plumber after a demanding event at Burton and South Derbyshire College on 12 June. Martyn, an apprentice with Adrian Kidman Plumbing and Heating and studying at Cambridge Regional College, beat seven other competitors in a head-to-head […]

I have been delighted with the results..

Development Award 2012 June 2013 Over the past two months I have been busy on a number of projects to support students undertaking their Level 2 and 3 Plumbing qualifications. Second Life (SL) Virtual Plumbing College – I was delighted when my college (North West London) confirmed they would continue to fund the SL Region […]

BPEC launch a brand new plumbing qualification – Level 3 WaterSafe

BPEC have recently launched a brand new plumbing qualification – the QCF Level 3 Award in Safe Systems of Hot and Cold Water and Sanitation (WaterSafe experienced worker qualification). BPEC have worked closely with WaterSafe in the development of the qualification which will enable experienced workers without qualifications to achieve the recognition they deserve. By […]

SkillPLUMB names Owain as best in Wales!

20 year-old Owain Powell from GVJ Plumbing & Heating in Ceredigion has been named best young plumber in Wales, following the SkillPLUMB Wales national final at Deeside College on 14 May. Owain, studying at Coleg Sir Gar, went up against 10 other competitors in a task to install a small central heating system. Their work […]

2013 World Plumbing Council Education & Training Scholarship

The World Plumbing Council Chairman, Mr. Russ Chaney has launched the WPC Education and Training Scholarship for 2013, inviting plumbing industry personnel involved in industry training to make an application for this rewarding industry Scholarship. The successful applicant can receive up to US$10,000 in funding to travel to another country or countries to learn about […]

SkillPLUMB names Michael as the North’s best young plumber!

The 2013 SkillPLUMB competition has named 22-year old Michael Yuile as the North’s best young plumber following a challenging one-day event at Burnley College on 30 April. Michael, an apprentice with Cheshire Building Contractors and studying at Warrington College, came out on top after six competitors went head-to-head on a plumbing task to install a […]

The second water tank has been installed!

Merit Award The ladies and the rest of the community are thrilled! The second water tank has been installed and the community well is complete. There is not only a continuous supply of water to the Laundry, the community also have drinking water too! See a full collection of images from the Loma Fresca project […]

The pump option is no longer feasible..

Life Award 2012 March 2013 More progress has been made with the Cobue Health Centre project. Joanne Beales (a charity worker) visited the Cobue area and produced a comprehensive report on the local area answering questions that myself and the team had posed. The report backed up suspicions that the submersible pump option is no […]

BPEC Launch Updated LPG Manual

BPEC are delighted to announce the launch of a revised and updated LPG Changeover Training Manual which will replace the existing LPG Training manual. This full colour manual will be available from May 1st 2013 at a cost of £35 per manual for all order quantities. The manual has been revised and enhanced to ensure […]

There are just not enough hours in the day!

Development Award March 2013 I have been exceedingly busy not only with my day to day college duties but with the development of the Virtual College. I have set up a building within the College of North West London’s Open Region to promote the BPEC Life Award. I am currently busy creating videos with the […]

Stephen Dobney, Burnley College

“BPEC provide excellent personal support and guidance. Their response to any queries is fast and we know that they are only a phone call away if we need them”.

Ian Hall, Tameside College

“On behalf of the College and the Plumbing Department, I would like to thank BPEC for the exemplary service and customer care that we have received. The resources are first class, with the unit/assignment paperwork being of the highest quality and clearly shows that the consultations with centres has been used to create straight forward […]

Our little laundry project had really captured attention!

Merit Award 2012 The day had finally arrived, Wednesday 30th January, the opening of the Loma Fresca Laundry Facility. The team made a final excursion bright and early to the builder’s merchants before the last day of work started. We were met there by Mario in his beaten up truck this had been the team’s […]

You cannot change the world, but you can change the world for a few!

Merit Award 2012 The 15 team members that remain fly back to Managua on Thursday before continuing the work in the mountains of Matagalpa and then in Managua itself and finally fly back to England next Tuesday (5th). India had commented to me how the time seems to have gone so quickly on this project […]

Thankfully, the storm in Nicaragua didn’t damage any of the hard work..

Merit Award Thankfully, the storm in Nicaragua didn’t damage any of the hard work although John Booth has been bitten on his foot and unfortunately it’s got infected. We didn’t let him work on Monday other than in an advisory capacity. The team were joined by another John (Robinson) who is a plumber from Ulster. […]

We were certainly ready for a well-earned supper!

Merit Award 2012 Saturday was a huge day for the project as there were critical points the team needed to have completed for the opening of the facility on Wednesday 30th so it’s all hands to the pump! A few members of the team walked into the town via the lumber yard to pay a […]

We have to be very patient working in the developing world..

Merit Award 2012 Nicaragua was hit by a tremendous storm therefore meaning we had to up the ante on site! To be on schedule we needed to have the upper ring beam cast and the floor should have been screeded by the time we finished work on Saturday. This would then allow us curing time […]

Sadly, the Mayor could not come..

Merit Award 2012 Progression seemed to lesson today as it was a very hot sticky day in Nicaragua however, essential preparation work was carried out and completed. All the timber was removed from the concrete cast yesterday and was cleaned ready to be used again – the team try and recycle things, including nails. During […]

The dental team are pulling in excess of 100 teeth per day!

Merit Award 2012 We have finally been blessed with a few hot dry days which has enabled us to crack on, although the work the team have been doing up until now has already been great! The painting team at Bluefields hospital have been working in oppressive conditions but have done a brilliant job in […]